The Hamlet Police Department is dedicated to providing professional police protection and service. If a citizen is not satisfied with the services they receive from the Hamlet Police, or if the citizen believes there was misconduct by an officer, the citizen should contact the Hamlet Police Department to speak with the Town Marshal.
Message From the Town Marshal
Every police department has the responsibility of protecting the lives and property of the citizens it serves. In order to carry out this responsibility, it is essential that all citizens have a high degree of confidence in their police department.
Our Hamlet Police Officers are among the best trained and highly educated police officers in the State. They take pride in their chosen profession and want you, the citizens of Hamlet, to share this pride. However, we recognize that police officers are human and may, from time to time, act in a manner that is not in the best interest of the police department or the community. Since we would all agree that it is very difficult to deal with a problem unless we know such a problem exists, the importance of bringing any misconduct on the part of the police officers to the department’s attention must be recognized.
The Hamlet Police Department will thoroughly and expeditiously investigate all complaints brought to our attention. The following information will explain the procedure for filing of a citizen’s complaint and the investigative process.
If you wish to file a formal complaint, it will be necessary for you to complete and sign a Citizen Complaint Form at the Hamlet Police Department; however, those complaints made by telephone, anonymously, or by mail, will be investigated to the best of our ability. All information will be treated confidentially. Assistance is available if you need help in completing the complaint forms. A parent or guardian’s signature is required on any complaint filed by a person under eighteen (18) years of age.
When filing your complaint, you will be required to provide the following information:
1. Your name, address and telephone number.
2. The address and telephone number of your business or place of employment.
3. The time and date of the occurrence of the incident about which you are complaining.
4. The name, badge number, or identifying description of the officer(s) involved. If you do not have this information, simply describe what occurred and the time, date, and location of the incident.
5. Give a narrative description of the circumstances giving rise to your complaint.
6. The names of any witnesses or persons arrested and their addresses and telephone numbers, if available.
7. After the above information if completed, you will be given a copy of your signed complaint form.