Dedicated to Protect and Serve...

Hamlet Police Department

Events & Pictures

Attention Residents of the Town of Hamlet

 The Hamlet Police Department and the Town of Hamlet invite the young and old to participate in the Christmas Holidays. Simply bring an ornament, custom or not, and display it on the Town Hall Christmas tree, Please date the ornament as these will be kept for future years. First name only may be placed on the ornament as well.

 In addition, each child of the Town of Hamlet that attends the Christmas Social held at the Hamlet Fire Department on December 18, 2016, will receive a raffle ticket for a chance at a prize.  

Project Child Safe
The Hamlet Police Department is offering gun locks to any citizens at no cost. Contact The Hamlet Police Department to get your gun safety locks.

Trick Or Treat

Starke County Fair
July 2017

Yellow Stone Trail Festival
August 2017


Below are a couple pictures of our Reserve Deputy Joe Reed with Kindergarten Class visit.

Also Below Hamlet Police recieved a Military Humvee. This Humvee was acquired at not cost through the U.S Government surplus.  The Humvees main use will be during Hazardous weather conditions, special tactical operations, and parades.

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